Drawing in 3D

  1. From the pallet on your left hand, select the pen tool
  2. Then hold the right trigger to draw in 3D space

The pen colour can also be adjusted using the pallet on your left hand. Each stroke from the pen is an object that can be grouped, or moved.

Drawing on the plane

  1. From the pallet on your left hand, select the pen tool
  2. Then hold the left trigger to create a plane from your left controller
  3. While you continue to hold the left trigger, hold the right trigger to draw on the plane projected from your left hand

All pen strokes drawn on a plane are automatically added to the same group.

Selecting and Grouping

  1. To select an object, hover over it and hold down the right trigger.
  2. To select multiple objects, hold down the right trigger in empty space then sweep over the objects you want to select.

When you have multiple objects selected, tap 'Group' to combine the objects into one group. Groups of objects cannot be snapped.

Scale and rotating


To rotate the scene, hold the left and right grip down, and then move one hand to the left, or right.
