To give you more creative control, SculptrVR lets you work with layers. You can have different parts of your sculpture exist on different “layers.” This allows you to edit one layer without accidentally messing up what’s on another layer. It can be confusing if you try carving or painting a sculpture and nothing happens! But most tools only affect the active layer, so keeping in mind which layer you are on can be helpful.

How Layers are Numbered

There’s always a base layer in SculptrVR. This layer is labelled “1.”Each layer can have other layers attached to it. Layers attached to the base layer would be numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.If layer 1.3 has even more layers attached to it, then they would be labelled 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3 etc.

Layer Picker

Do you see the eye-dropper shape by the word “Layers”?

You can use this tool to highlight which layer you want to select! Just click the Layer Picker eye-dropper and then point it at things you’ve sculpted.

When you point it at some part of your sculpture and click, whatever layer that object is on will become the active layer.

Adding a New Layer

To add a new layer, press the “plus” sign on a layer.

Change a Layer’s Style

Layers can be rendered Poly, Smooth, Cubey or Translucent. You can change each layer’s style.

Make a Layer Invisible

Click the Eyeball icon on a layer to make it invisible.