Importing your own images/models/360 environments

Supported file types

3D models: FBX, glTF, OBJ with MTL2D images: JPG & PNG360 Images: JPG

If you want support for a new filetype, let us know here and we'll get on it.

Put 2D images in:

%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Sketchbox/Import/Image2D/eg. C:\Users\<your-username>\Documents\Sketchbox\Import\Image2D

Put 360 images in:

%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Sketchbox/Import/Image360/eg. C:\Users\<your-username>\Documents\Sketchbox\Import\Image360

Put 3D meshes in:

%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Sketchbox/Import/Mesheg. C:\Users\<your-username>\Documents\Sketchbox\Import\Mesh

Importing assets

You can import PNGs, JPEGS, OBJs, GLTFs FBXs and 360° JPEGs into Sketchbox by tapping 'Import' and selecting a file that's already been moved into a /Sketchbox/import/ folder. %USERPROFILE% is a shortcut for your Windows user folder, for example: C:\users\<your-username>.

Saving, Loading, Versioning, Renaming
